All About Gardening

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting your journey, this page is your gateway to a wealth of knowledge, inspiration, and practical advice. Explore the art of nurturing plants, discover the joys of outdoor beauty, and uncover the secrets to cultivating a garden that reflects your unique vision. From plant care tips to sustainable practices, our gardening hub is here to empower and inspire you on your homesteading journey.

Gardening on Your Homestead

Gardening on your homestead is one of the first steps in becoming self-sufficient. By raising your own food you are taking control of your food system. You will know exactly what kinds of foods you are growing, what is being put on your plants and food to prevent pests, and the methods used during harvesting. YOU will be in total control.

Deciding on Plants?

Taking the First Steps

Deciding on which plants you want to raise can seem a little overwhelming especially if you are just starting on your homestead journey. If you are just beginning I recommend starting with the basics. Raise a few cold crops such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. They are ready to harvest in about 75 days. Since growing periods are staggered, especially where we are in Kentucky (it may be different based on where you live) it makes it easier to grow more since your crops are always in different growing stages.

When your cold crops are about half through growing plant any other crops. I would recommend starting with a green bean, corn, and tomato. If you are just beginning homesteading it is important to not plant different varieties just yet. Before planting different varieties of a plant you need to understand cross-pollination and how to properly prevent it. About halfway through the growing life of your standard crops, you can plant fall crops if you want. The most important part about deciding on plants is to keep it simple so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Cold Crops

Starting Seeds

Starting seeds for your garden

A way to cut cost of growing a garden each year is by starting your own seeds. Seeds are typically much cheaper than buying starts. If you decide to start your own seeds you will need to ensure you do proper research on each type of seed you’re starting, they are not all the same. You will need to ensure they receive proper sunlight, water, and temperatures to ensure your seeds are successful.


Plant Care & Maintenance

Caring and maintaining your plants

Plant care and maintenance is the backbone of a thriving garden. It involves providing the right growing conditions, including proper soil preparation, adequate sunlight, and appropriate watering techniques. Regular pruning, deadheading, and pest control are also key components of plant care, helping to maintain plant shape and prevent diseases. Fertilization and soil amendment play a crucial role in supplying essential nutrients to plants, promoting robust growth and vibrant blooms.
